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Bristol eating disorders peer  support group

less than 24 hours

Age Range


Welcome!  The Bristol Eating Disorder Peer Support Group has been running for over thirty years. The group provides a space for people with eating disorders (aged 18 years and over) and for friends/families/carers to offer support and understanding to one another.  ​Join us for a recovery-focussed conversation with others on their own eating disorder journey.   We offer free in-person self-help groups twice a month:  The second Tuesday of the Month for people with eating disorders and family members and/or supporters. The fourth Tuesday of the Month for people with eating disorders only.  We have previously operated under the umbrella of B-eat - the UK's largest charity for supporting people with eating disorders. In 2014, a decision was made to change the way that it works with support groups around the country. We now work independently of Beat but maintain a close working relationship. In order to reflect this we have now changed our email and website addresses.  This will not effect the services that we offer. For more information please go to or email    Help to spread the word. You can also follow us on Facebook and on Twitter

Referral Criteria & Process

Self referral